
Welcome to the Onfolk API! This document describes how your application can integrate with Onfolk.

The base sandbox URL is:

Authentication Process

Getting an access token

// Request
    "client_id": "",
    "client_secret": ""
// Response
    "access_token": ""

If an endpoint requires authentication (which is the default in our API) then you'll need an access token.

To do this you need to make a POST request to /auth/verify-client-credentials with the client id and client secret encoded in the body. It will return a JSON object with an access token.

Using an access token

To use the access token place it directly in the Authorization header (you do not need to prefix it with Bearer or anything else)

Employee Documentation


  "employee": {
    "id": 12, // Read only
    "payroll_id":"123", // Optional if skip_for_payroll is true
    "employer_id": 17,
    "created_at": "" // Read only ISO8601 formatted
    "title": "Mr" 
    "forename": "",
    "middle_name": "",
    "surname": "",
    "date_of_birth": "2001-02-01", // YYYY-MM-DD
    "gender": "M", // Either M or F
    "address": {

    "personal_email": "",
    "phone_number": "", // Please include country code
    "ni_number": "",
    "is_waiting_for_ni_number": false,
    "national_insurance_category": "A",
    "tax_code": {
    "job_title": "",
    "new_starter": {
    "start_data_submitted": true, // Read only?
    "leaving_date": "2002-03-27",
    "has_left": false // Read only
    "pay_frequency": "", // Either M1 or W1
    "off_payroll_worker": false,
    "hours_worked": null, // Optional used for salaried workers
    "has_student_loan": true,
    "student_loan_type": "" // One of plan_one, plan_two or plan_four
    "has_pension": true,
    "employee_pension_contribution_percentage": 5,
    "employer_pension_contribution_percentage": 3,
    "eligible_for_tax_relief": true, // Read only
    "enrolment_type": "AE" // Read only - todo: check format
    "salary": {} // Deprecated
    "is_director": false,
    "director_config": {}
    "sort_code": "" // 6 digits no dashes
    "account_number": "",
    "is_ready_for_payroll": false // Read only
    "emergency_contact": {}
    "skip_for_payroll": false // Used to signify contractors whose data we store but we do not include in payroll


Payschedule Documentation

Preview FPS

    "fps_xml": "", // XML String in here
    "validation_errors": ["", ""] // Should be empty

List Payments

    "pay_date": "2021-04-07",
    "payments": [
            "payment": {
                "id": 7,
                "amount_to_be_paid_to_employee": "72.34", // In GBP

Payschedule Documentation


Add Employee to Payschedule

    "employee_id": 4,
    "pay_schedule_id": 17

Hours Documentation


    "hours": {
        "id": 7, // Read only
        "employee_id": 18,
        "hourly_rate": 15.7,
        "number_of_hours": 18, // This should be an integer